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League Spectate

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Welcome to League Spectate

League Spectate is a lightweight tool/Graphical frontend written in C#. Essentially it enables anyone with a League of Legends client and an acccount in the proper region to get the spectator/observer data for any public game and spectate it right from the League of Legends client. As an extra function you can load "*.bat" files from and (its like a korean lolking). Those crash most of the EU clients in my experience by default but you can load them without any problems with League Spectate.


  1. Download .NET 4.5 if you haven't installed it before.

  2. Download League Spectate (Zip Folder on the top of this page)

  3. The main application is Bin/Spectate.exe

--- Regular spectate SETUP ---

  1. Create an account to each region you wish to spectate

    It might be painful but you only have to do this once so bear with it.

  2. Login once with every account and create the summoner profile with any name you like

  3. Load up League Spectate, open the "Options" window
  4. Add every account you created to the "Account Manager" section.
  5. You might want to test the connection with the login servers (Check connection button)

-- Regular spectate AFTER SETUP ---

  1. Type in a summoner name in the main window
  2. Set the region you wish.
  3. "Check status"
  4. If the input summoner is in an active public game it will show up in the status message
  5. You can press the Spectate button now which will load the game up in the League of Legends client

--- Spectating / ---

  1. Go here
  2. Choose a game and press the green "Spectate" button
  3. It will download a bat file
  4. Load up League Spectate, open the "Extras" window
  5. Browse from bat and browse the bat file you just downloaded
  6. Press "Lets go"

  1. Go here
  2. Search for a summoner (You can take "SKT T1 Faker" for example)
  3. Choose a game and press the green "Play" button
  4. It will download a bat file
  5. Load up League Spectate, open the "Extras" window
  6. Browse from bat and browse the bat file you just downloaded
  7. Press "Lets go"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: It does not work! What could be the problem?

A: Have you installed .NET 4.5 ?

Q: Do i need LoL replay to use this?

A: No.

Q: The most popular players will stream their games anyway, what is the point?

A: Players with lower bandwidth connections might suffer from watching a 720P stream for example. League Spectate generates just as much traffic as any other spectate session initiated from the original Launcher.

Q: When are you going to update it to the latest patch?

A: As soon as I can.

Q: This is suspicious, I am pretty sure this program is not safe, is it?

A: It is open source, you can compile all of the libraries and the program yourself.

Q: There are tools like lolnexus and why would I bother trying a tool like this?

A: If you have League of Legends installed to a different path than default those simply break. They are inconvenient to use in my opinion, but hey no one forces you to use this.

Q: Something does not work at all or it is partially broken, can you fix it?

A: I'll try my best, feel free to open an issue at the project page.


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